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Alexis is a Canadian teacher and book blogger who uses her site to share her love for reading. Growing up, you could not pry a book out of Alexis’ hand. Some favourite books from her childhood include Harry Potter, the Anne of Green Gables Series, the Little House on the Prairie series, as well as classics from Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.

After high school, Alexis went to University to study History. She did not know what she wanted to do for a career, but she knew it would be history related. After taking an education class, she realized her passion for extending her love of learning to others and changed her degree to a double major in History and Education. After graduating, Alexis started book blogging both here and on Instagram, where she found a community of fellow book lovers.

Now, Alexis spends majority of her time reading and teaching. When she does not have her nose in a book, she can be found spending time with her family, in coffee shops, or crocheting in front of her television with Netflix.